Warning Signs of
Depression in Men

The symptoms of depression in men are a bit different than the symptoms of depression in women.

While the common signs of depression in women are sadness and hopelessness, depression in men can also include aggressive behavior and/or alcohol and drug abuse.

Failing to Diagnose Depression

Most men are used to keeping their feelings hidden instead of sharing them. This is one of the reasons why many men, as well as doctors, fail to identify depression as the problem.

According to mental health professionals more men would be diagnosed with depression and treated appropriately if the symptoms of depression were expanded to include anger, violent behavior and alcohol abuse.

The most common symptoms of depression include:

• Isolation or withdrawal

• low self-esteem

• suicidal thoughts

• loss of interest in usually pleasurable activities

• fatigue

• gastric problems

• changes in appetite or in weight

• sleep disturbances

• apathy

• sexual problems, including reduced sex drive.


• Irritability

• Anger that turns into violence

• Excessive Drinking

• Risky behavior, such as reckless driving

• Infidelity

Depression in men can affect sexual desire and performance. Some antidepressants, can do the same. It is difficult for men to accept problems with their sexuality. By mistake, many will feel that the problems are related to their manhood, but the truth is they are caused by the depression.

Male Depression and Suicide

Men are about four times more likely than women to commit suicide. Although more women attempt suicide, more men are successful at actually ending their lives because:

• They use more lethal methods such as guns instead of pills

• They act faster on suicidal thoughts

If you think you may hurt yourself or attempt suicide, get help right now:

PLEASE call a suicidal lifeline immediately. Call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) -- or the deaf hotline at 1-800-4889. These are free, 24-hour hotlines available to anyone.

Reach Out For Help Before It’s Too Late

You may see depression as a sign of weakness and avoid talking about it with your doctor. But depression is unlikely to go away by itself, on the contrary, it may get worse. Don't try to tough out depression on your own.

Depression is not only a problem for you but it also puts a heavy toll on the people that care about you. It will turn your life upside down if you don’t take control of it.

If you or someone close to you thinks you may be depressed, please seek help from your doctor, or other health care professional right away. Don’t wait any longer it’s a risk that is not worth taking!

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