Doctor's Don't Tell You How Addictive Antidepressants Are!!!

by Sue Rodriguez

My friend, whose name I will not mention, was put on antidepressants right after her divorce. Her personality completely changed! She was mean and very annoying...

She had to feel the center of every conversation if she wasn't, she would feel neglected. She also became extremely sensitive as if it wasn't enough with the divorce!

I honestly don't think they helped her too much. On the contrary, I think her moods were even crazier with the pill. And the worst part of it is that it was very difficult to get off the pill. It was almost like if she needed "the magic pill" to just interact with people and function.

Finally she managed to recover and now she is fine but from my point of view I don't think that doctors should prescribe antidepressants like if they were prescribing "advil".

I hope less and less people need these drugs and we can find new means to heal these diseases.

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Sep 06, 2010
I Agree!
by: Anonymous

I have a friend that had a similar story with antidepressants.

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