"Concentration" Flower Essence

Essence "Concentration": This essence helps to combat the lack of concentration that is so characteristic of a depressed person.

• It is ideal for improving attention and mental readiness.

• It helps developing mindfulness throughout your daily activities

• It is also helpful for children that have concentration difficulties

It is excellent for long and demanding work shifts in which concentration is imperative.


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What people are saying...

"I was going through a very challenging phase in my life. I visited an alternative doctor and he suggested I try the "Rescue" essence. I remember I had my first dose while still in the taxi on my way home. It was amazing the sense of relaxation that I felt right away. It was so unusual that I started giggling... As If I had had some drinks... The effect lasted for a short while. It still took time and effort to overcome the crisis I was going through but I can say that the essences definitely made a difference..."

Christian M. Oesterle